What You Need to Know About the Back-to-School Supply List

It’s that time of year again.

The aisles of your local stores are filled with huge bins stuffed with pens, pencils, erasers, and all the glue sticks you could ever need.

Most stores will have the school supply lists available for your convenience.

In reality, this list usually isn’t the final word on what your child will need for the school year.

The lists are made at the end of the previous school year and changing curriculum, teachers, and strategies can make some items obsolete while adding others.

So, how can you better navigate what your child really needs and be a savvy shopper?

Go with what you know

If you’re lucky enough to know who your child’s teacher will be for the new school year, show her the list and ask her if it’s accurate and if there are any additional items that will be needed.

When that’s not an option, stick with purchasing the things that are always needed, like:

  • #2 pencils and lots of ‘em. The teacher will love you if you buy the pre-sharpened kind!
  • Blue or black pens. It doesn’t hurt to throw a couple red in there!
  • Crayons are a staple for younger grades; colored pencils do the trick for middle school and high school.
  • Book bag. Keep in mind that some schools have rules about the kind with wheels!
  • Tennis shoes for gym class.
  • Markers are good for all ages.
  • Glue sticks or school glue.
  • Loose-leaf paper.
  • Several notebooks.
  • A few folders.
If you find out more items are needed, you can easily fill in what you’re missing.

Ask the parents who have been there

It’s always a good idea to talk to parents with a child one grade ahead of yours to see what they ended up having to buy a lot of or if there were any surprises that weren’t on the list.

This will help you to buy things while they’re on sale, as well as stock up on the items your child will probably need extras of throughout the year.

Host a swap

Some communities participate in a Back-to-School-Supply-Swap.

Parents bring in school supplies that are new or in excellent condition that they don’t need and trade with other parents to get what they do need.

Have a great new school year!

Making sure your child has the supplies they need for the new school year sets them up for a successful year of learning.

They’ll be able to confidently tackle whatever this new grade throws their way because they’re prepared with the right tools.

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